Please help me build my PC.


Feb 17, 2016
I want a PC that can game at 1440p on Ultra for current and future AAA games. I have tried building one on DinoPC but they have limited choice and I don't know whether I'm getting ripped off. I want an SSD, I prefer Intel and Nvidia but red team you may present your case 😛
I've been thinking about getting the Predator XB271HU or the Viewsonic XG2703-GS I don't know which one may be better.

I've been thinking maybe an i7 7700K and a 1080 Ti with a 500 GB 960 pro or evo and 16GB of 3200 Mhz RAM. The things I don't really know about is what case to get and what cooling is best and what motherboard to get although I've been thinking maybe the IX maximus or the Aorus but I really don't know the difference between the two. I just know that people say they are quite good.

If you could provide a build that would be able to game at 1440p on Ultra now and hopefully for the next few years then that would be amazing.

Thanks in advance :)

Yeah, I checked out their website and I didn't like it. Also, my main problem is that I don't know what I'm doing. I want someone to suggest a build to me that can fit my needs.

Something like this?,*NmE1-.?NmF1-+0NmG1-+;NmH1-+ZNmI1-_@NmJ1-_:NmK1-)-NmL1-_/NmM1-(7NmN1-_vNmO1-_wNmP1-(uNmQ1-_xNmR1-_yNmS1-_zNmT1-_UNna1-_VNnb1-%27wNnc1-_WNnd1-_XNne1-!2Nnf1-_ZNng1-_#Nnh1-.0Nnk1-.5


I clicked the link but it just said this at the top - "We tried to load your configuration but there was an issue, please check all your options"

Ups sry something went wrong with the web

Isnt the 750 a bit old.

would a 1080 be good enough to game at 1440p on Ultra for current games and for a few years? Or is 1080 ti better option? Is that MoBo good enough? Ive heard its a bit rubbish. Why did you pick the BenQ? Is the Predator or Viewsonic not better?