Recently changed a bunch of components in my computer, mid-high range stuff in there. Yet I'm (rarely, like a couple of times a day for like 10 seconds) experiencing frame rates of as low as 45 fps in Borderlands 2, which is a pretty old game for this setup in my mind. I'm probably overlooking something and I feel super stupid about this, so please help me identify it.
My setup as of right now:
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K Skylake
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB
CPU cooling: Corsair H100i
PSU: Chieftec A-85 Series CTB-650S 650W
Everything in here is less than a week old except the CPU cooler and my PSU, which are a couple of years old.
I feel like (and hope) it might be my PSU (which I am planning to change withing 2 weeks' time). However, some brief research implies that this should be sufficient, and also that a PSU cannot affect framerates. I don't know a whole bunch about PSUs, but it's still the only thing I can think of that might be the source of my issue. Can it be the fact that it's getting kinda old that is giving me problems? Just worn?
I'm 100% positive everythig is on point as far as drivers etc goes, and I have been monitoring my temperatures closely so I know those are just fine. No overclocking going on, if that is of any interest.
Is my PSU the issue? I think and hope it is because I'm changing that anyway. Thanks in advance guys
My setup as of right now:
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K Skylake
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB
CPU cooling: Corsair H100i
PSU: Chieftec A-85 Series CTB-650S 650W
Everything in here is less than a week old except the CPU cooler and my PSU, which are a couple of years old.
I feel like (and hope) it might be my PSU (which I am planning to change withing 2 weeks' time). However, some brief research implies that this should be sufficient, and also that a PSU cannot affect framerates. I don't know a whole bunch about PSUs, but it's still the only thing I can think of that might be the source of my issue. Can it be the fact that it's getting kinda old that is giving me problems? Just worn?
I'm 100% positive everythig is on point as far as drivers etc goes, and I have been monitoring my temperatures closely so I know those are just fine. No overclocking going on, if that is of any interest.
Is my PSU the issue? I think and hope it is because I'm changing that anyway. Thanks in advance guys