I installed an FTP service running on Windows 10 on Hyper-V. The Host PC is running windows as well. The port I assigned to the FTP is 1500. I need help access it remotely. I am able to connect to the FTP internally.
My Spectrum modem is on the 192.168.0.X network which I only have my Asus router connected. I am using the Asus to assign the IP address scheme that I wanted 172.16.1.X. My Asus router's WAN IP is, but also
Things I've Tried: Please let me know if anything I've tried is not needed.
Added Inbound TCP/UDP rule for port 1500
Added Outbound TCP/UDP rule for port 1500 (Not sure if this was needed, no guide online says to do this, but I'm stuck)
Turn off windows firewall completely
-- I've done this on both the Hyper-V session and the Host PC
Opened port on my Spectrum Arris modem and pointed it to my Router (static)
Opened the port on my Asus Routed and pointed it to the FTP PC (static)
netstat -an - shows the port as Listening.
I'm using these 2 sites to check ports.
Based off closed ports for Spectrum, the port I want to use is not being blocked
Thank you in advance for any help
My Spectrum modem is on the 192.168.0.X network which I only have my Asus router connected. I am using the Asus to assign the IP address scheme that I wanted 172.16.1.X. My Asus router's WAN IP is, but also
Things I've Tried: Please let me know if anything I've tried is not needed.
Added Inbound TCP/UDP rule for port 1500
Added Outbound TCP/UDP rule for port 1500 (Not sure if this was needed, no guide online says to do this, but I'm stuck)
Turn off windows firewall completely
-- I've done this on both the Hyper-V session and the Host PC
Opened port on my Spectrum Arris modem and pointed it to my Router (static)
Opened the port on my Asus Routed and pointed it to the FTP PC (static)
netstat -an - shows the port as Listening.
I'm using these 2 sites to check ports.
Based off closed ports for Spectrum, the port I want to use is not being blocked
Thank you in advance for any help