Please help me pick my first Intel CPU


Mar 8, 2015
I've been a fan of AMD since the year 2000. Now 16 years later I'm starting to demand more from my PC. Here's what I'm doing. I'm playing games on Ultra at 1080p and trying to record them at 1080p60 and am barely getting by. The current Let's Plays I'm doing are of GTA 5, The Witcher 3 and Doom 2016.

My system is as follows: FX 8350, 16 GB DDR3 and an R9 290X.
My first problem is that my video card is loud as hell which is a nuisance when recording. I know I can clean that sound out of my audio but it would be nice if it wasn't so loud, used so much power and didn't run so freakin hot. Secondly you can see in some of my videos that my system is barely keeping up running the game, OBS, Audacity and my webcam all at once. The video doesn't look as good and smooth as I'd like it to.
My second issue is video editing is pretty slow. I use Hitfilm 4 express which works well but I'm sure it would work faster and smoother with superior hardware.

I already plan on upgrading to the GTX 1070 since I'm only gaming at 1080p. So looking at everything I'm doing, what CPU would you guys recommend from Intel. I want future proof but having to keeps costs somewhat reasonable at the same time. I would say the max I would want to spend on the CPU would be 350.

I've been team red most of my life but I think I'm ready to defect to team Blue/Green finally. Please help me pick my next CPU and also tell me why you would pick that CPU.

Thanks in advance for any help you Intel fans can help me with. One thing I forgot to add is the less I can get away with spending on the CPU the more I'll have for the mobo and ram.
Most people on here are gong to recommend you the i5 6600k and a Z170 motherboard. You could technically get the i7 6700k. Personally, I don't think overclocking is necessary or worth the extra money. I would go with the i5 6600 or i7 6700 on a H170 motherboard.
Yeah I don't typically overclock myself. I'd rather buy better hardware that doesn't need to be overclocked. I guess in the future if I needed to I could always upgrade to the k series. I assume by getting the i7 6700 over the i5 6600 is going to be more future proof. It seems the single core and multi core performance is definitely higher with the i7. Thanks a lot for your help. This gives me a really good place to start.
Yes and by the time your 6700 is not performing well enough for you, Intel would have released several more generations of cpus and you could then upgrade to the NEW i7 9700 haha
That sounds good to me. I just wish I would have started this build with Intel/Nvidia in the first place. It's so difficult to be old and heard headed sometimes.
If I could ask one more question here. Since I'm not at all familiar with Intel CPU's can you tell me what happens with the integrated graphics of the i7 6700 when you add a discrete graphics card? Are they automatically disabled or how does that work exactly? I'm wondering if I would have to go into the bios and turn off the integrated graphics.

Just plug your graphics card in, turn your pc on and it will install it for you. Nothing fancy needs to be done by you. If you have a driver disk it will ask for it, if not it will suck the drivers off the internet.

Actually my question was about the integrated graphics on the CPU. I'm fully aware on installing a graphics card but wasn't sure if the integrated graphics need to be turned off in the bios for the i7 6700.
5820K and GTX 1070 would solve all your problems for sure - noise, choppiness while streaming, slowness while editting and encoding, and GPU fan noise. The only downside is that X99 is a more expensive platform overall - in addition to paying a bit more for the 6-core CPU, you would need new DDR4 RAM, and the motherboards tend to be more expensive. You could save a bundle by going with a 4790K which would still be a pretty significant upgrade. The middle option for you would be the 6700K, which is just a bit faster and just a bit more expensive than the 4790K.
Thanks scuzzy. I think I've decided to go with the 6700 even though I'll have to buy all new ram. I think for longevity and overall great performance the 6700 seems like the way to go. That paired with the GTX 1070 I should be in the amazeballs category for running and recording at 1080p!!
Ok I'm going to bother you again if that's ok. I don't know if you saw my previous comments on I don't plan to overclock so I'm going to just get the 6700 and not the k version. What motherboard should I get that's good performing but still somewhat budget at the same time. I don't want cheap but I don't want the most expensive either. Something in the middle but still kicks ass if that's possible. Thanks.
Yeah you've mentioned that board before CT but I thought I saw some negative stuff on it. I'll read around and research about it. Yeah looking at it again I think it will do great for what I need. Maybe in my next build I'll be able to spend more on the mobo but that does look like the best budget one available. Plus I've always had great luck with Gigabyte. Thanks again mate.
Every motherboard is going to have negative reviews. I like board too though,

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($298.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock H170A-X1/3.1 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($83.89 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $382.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-30 12:42 EDT-0400

I've used various ASROCK Pro4 boards many many times. It's hard to justify spending more than this.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($298.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock H170 Pro4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($89.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $388.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-30 12:43 EDT-0400


For recording gameplays, I would reccomend a i7 6700k and a Z170 motherboard for overclocking. If you want to go to the extreme, go for the i7 5960x or even i7 6950x.
Yeah but since it's only in 1080p I honestly think I'll be fine with the 6700, H170 and the GTX 1070. The system I have now is doing that at about 95 percent to my satisfaction. Since I'm giving myself a serious upgrade from the 8350 and 290X and I think that will be more than enough to play and record in HD. Plus I don't ever overclock. I'm trying to keep heat and noise down so the 2 components I'm planning on upgrading to I think will be more than enough. Thanks for chiming in though.

haha, I know. That's why I said if he wanted to extreme
Some day down the road if my budget allows it I'll totally build an extreme system but since I'm not making money making videos at this point I gots to get the most for as little fundage as possible. :)