Please help me with picking the right motherboard for a solid gaming and/or recording pc


Mar 24, 2016
I currently am looking for a pc to purchase because im nervous on building one myself and hold a budget of around $1200 and i decided to visit ironside computers. My friend had purchased a pc from them and hes loving it and so i wanted to buy one for myself. I found one in particular that has an i5 4590 with 3.3 ghz and a nvidia geforce gtx 970 graphics card. My concern is, the pc would be purchased with what says an "H81 chipset motherboard" and i dont know if this is a bad pick or not. Im a big noob when comes to PCs but i could really use some help. If theres any additional info needed please let me know. Like i said im a noob but would love a pc that i could use for gaming and recording with good frames. Thanks.
You can always build a better pc than just buying it prebuilt.
I put this list togheter for you.
It has a 6600k that good for gaming and you can overclock it if you want to.
I went with 16 gb of ram since there isnt much price difference compared to 8gb and you might use it while recoding.
You have a 500gb ssd for your games, programes and windows and a 1tb mass storage hdd.
I went with the 390 since it does have a bit more preformance than a 970 and its a bit cheaper