Please help me with the Configuration


Nov 5, 2013
Hi ,

I have ordered all the parts in the list. CPU cooler is a over price for me to afford more. I know I am being greedy for this but guys trust me, I am so depressed for the prices ( value for my money).
If u think any one of the part is not worth. Please recommend then i can remove and replace as u suggest.
please help with other parts

* I am from india, so please check the availabilty in the list.*

The entire PC with monitor costed me 2800 $ because hey it's India. Taxes are way too high and people here eat money.

Thanks in advance.

Overclocking is a whole subject on its own. It's basically having your computer parts work faster than they are intended to. You can do that with the CPU, GPU and RAM (and other components too, though normally it would be these three). It allows you to squeeze a little more performance for the same price. However, it normally voids any warranties you might have. Your CPU can be overclocked with your mobo, so does the GPU, and so does the RAM. If down the lane you are tight on funds for a new PC and want to get a little more life from your PC, investigate how to overclock. I cannot explain it to you here, it's a lengthy subject and it depends on your specific hardware, but there are lots of sites and forums devoted to it.

And again, you...
Great :)

Now that's a hell of a PC! Some comments:

PSU: 1000W is overkill for your parts. Unless you plan on adding a second GPU and overclocking the sh*t out of both the CPU and GPUs, you won't ever need 1000W. Assuming you won't overclock your parts, 500W is more than enough. If you plan on overclocking the CPU and GPU, pick a 700W PSU.
Storage: you haven't included any HDD or SSD. Considering the money you're spending, get an SSD. Ideally an M.2 SSD (Samsung PRO 950 or Samsung SM951 being the best [,3891.html], pick whichever is cheaper). Otherwise a SATA SSD would do it. Don't put your OS in an HDD into such a computer, it'd be a crime 😉

Otherwise, a great PC! :)

Yes Man, I know it's a good config but I am trying reduce the parts price if possible but Getting a new SSD and that too Samsung pro will cost me more. little more budget is left but i have spent it on beers and other stuff.

Hey, i ll try to pick one of the SSD in the link.

psst psst never done OC so dunno. Please explain me about it. I am noob in this thing.
BTW. I know my monitor is stupid pick but choosed cause tomshardware suggested it. overall at bang for buck.can i have decent gameplay on it cause i will kill myself if this Monitor is dead meat when it is tied with my GPU

I bought HDD but didn't add in the list cause i know it doesnt make any incompatibilities with the other parts.

All the parts will be arriving soon in one week so i ll show u. Tnx a lot for telling me that i didnt fkd up.
Overclocking is a whole subject on its own. It's basically having your computer parts work faster than they are intended to. You can do that with the CPU, GPU and RAM (and other components too, though normally it would be these three). It allows you to squeeze a little more performance for the same price. However, it normally voids any warranties you might have. Your CPU can be overclocked with your mobo, so does the GPU, and so does the RAM. If down the lane you are tight on funds for a new PC and want to get a little more life from your PC, investigate how to overclock. I cannot explain it to you here, it's a lengthy subject and it depends on your specific hardware, but there are lots of sites and forums devoted to it.

And again, you have a hell of a PC coming, well balanced, so you will definitely enjoy playing on it 😉 As for the SSD, even if it's not an M.2 drive (which are more expensive than others, because they are so fast), try to get hold on one, and have your Windows installed in it. You will feel the difference with a HDD, i can assure you 😉 Namaste!

Thank You! Will try to fit in a SSD in it. Will do a research on OC. What about Monitor? can she do well. i dont need her to be the best but can she be a decent one without affecting my gameplay when colliding with my GPU or CPU..


Thanks Man!! Have a good day and a fortune soon!