please help me with this unsolvable problem


Feb 7, 2016
Hello , i have a problem that when i play CSGO the game freezes for like 0.5 second or 1 second just before i peak or when i am jumping '' i think its called stutter lagging or input lag? not sure '' , its usually when i hit a or d in my keyboard or when i move my mouse and i dont know how to solve it , tried changing config ,autoexec launch options , updated all drivers of motherboard/graphics card / sound card , have latest windows update etc , nothing seems to be working 🙁

PC specs :

GTX 1080 founders edition

ASROCK z370 pro 4

Corsair 16gb ddr4 3000mhz '' overclocked it has to be overclocked to reach 3000mhz in my motherboard ''

I7 8700K with frostwin v2

1TB external drive

500GB samsung SSD driver '' game installed on the SSD ofc ''

BenQ 2430T @144hz

Steelseries 800

Corsair K70

example for what happens to me : yes , this is recorded from my pc , its not exactly as you see in the video , it happens faster but you guys will get the idea , u can watch it 2x speed as it's the closest thing to what happens to me

PS : -i change in between 3 mice ss rival 300 , zowie ec1-a and zowie ec2-b all drivers of them are updated and all at 1000hz

- i tried to overclock my cpu to check if it solves the problem , not working

- i have in-game 144hz checked in console

- i have game dvr disabled in windows 10

- i have all the useless settings disabled in windows 100 '' used this video and this guide here ''

- i have these launch options in csgo: -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -freq 144 -novid -console -tickrate 128

- all drivers i have are updated

- i have high electricity in my house '' like voltages i think '' for example sometimes i touch the keyboard i and i get a small electrical shock in my hands '' dont know if this has to do anything with it ''

- i have good internet connection 100MB with ping 30-40 usually

PLEASE help me with this it's been 6 months since i have this problem and nothing is working , try to give me your answer even if its dumb it might work !
Is this a new problem or has it been like this since you got the rig?

I think this is graphics card related.

Try installing MSI afterburner so you can monitor GPU usage in time graph (like CPU usage in task manager). When the stutter happens in game alt+tab out to see what the card usage is doing. Check clock speeds, power limit and usage on both GPU and VRAM.

Do you have a spare card to test with? anything that run CS will do. If the problem disappears you know its the card.

This might be a simple bottleneck elsewhere. Run task manager along with afterburner to see what your CPU and SSD/HDD are doing during stutter. If your game is installed on an HDD then try installing on SSD instead..

Thats all I can think of..

i have the game installed on ssd and i dont really understand alot in the graph thing 😀 but core clock and memory clock are both set to 0 idk if thats normal 😀 and i dont know if they go up or not but when i press on alt tab after the problem happens they stick in 0 , like it dosent change for example from 100 to 0 slowly , i just see it as 0 as it is seems fine to me '' ignore 2 many taps opened it took only 20% of memory usage ''
Ye thats good but play for much longer mate. best to have a long base line to compare.

Not surprising the card isnt working hard, CS isnt really hard work for a 1080.

Try for longer and post again.

it works fine.. still have the problem 🙁
So I can see an extended period of no stuttering and then two big stutters at the end there?

I wonder if the CPU usage was doing the same.

Id still point to the card being the issue. Do you get the same stutter with other FPS games?

not really , all other games works fine but csgo... not sure why