hello guys i was about to get the nvidia evga gtx 750ti superclocked then someone said the gtx660 is better so now i am going for the 660gtx superclocked this is the graphics card http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EVGA-NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX660-Superclocked-2GB-GDDR5-HDMI-Video-Card-02G-P4-2662-KR-/170911507918?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item27cb1ea5ce and this is the psu that i got http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-SILENT-500-Watt-ATX-PC-Power-Supply-Unit-PSU-500W-/370336642035?pt=UK_Computing_PowerSupplies_EH&hash=item5639c8b3f3 would i be fine the only games i want to play without lag is DayZ Minecraft Cod4 and Counter strike please let me know which one is the best for me