please help me

And do not accept that you are or will be "never good at Mathematics".

Mathematics are rules and logic - just as is Software Engineering.

Many schools and programs offer basic math classes, tutors, and other assistance.

Just find someone to help you starting at whatever entry level point you need to.

You might be quite surprised with regards to what you do know and can still learn.

Basic skills are all you should need. Learn how to learn math and those same skills will help with learning software engineering.

And do not accept that you are or will be "never good at Mathematics".

Mathematics are rules and logic - just as is Software Engineering.

Many schools and programs offer basic math classes, tutors, and other assistance.

Just find someone to help you starting at whatever entry level point you need to.

You might be quite surprised with regards to what you do know and can still learn.

Basic skills are all you should need. Learn how to learn math and those same skills will help with learning software engineering.

There are many fields in software engineering so it depends on what you are going into. Web development requires little to no math knowledge, so if you don't like math, web design can be a good career for you. The only prerequisite for designing websites is creativity and fluency in a markup language. Now if you want to create back-end functional systems for websites then you would definitely need to be adept in mathematics (algorithms). Other than web design, all strands of software require some mathematical thinking and knowledge. If I were you I'd pickup some books and learn math - it is the most helpful tool in all areas of computer science. If you ever wanted to work in embedded systems, computer vision, physics/graphics engines, simulation/data analysis software or other new technologies, almost all employers list it is as a requirement to have a bachelor's (and sometimes master's/PhD depending on the job) in related STEM fields such as computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering, physics, etc. These fields all have one core component in common - math. So if you're looking to study CS, you have to work really hard because CS is purely mathematical/theoretical. If you hired someone to design a precision targeting system for an experimental laser cannon on a naval warship, would you trust someone who can't understand math to accomplish that?
sure you can! I had to work hard at it.

As far as math in school:
1) Don't miss class, take good notes (don't try to solve problems professor is doing on board, just copy down everything professor writes down and your notes to explain)

2) do all homework and check your answers, if they don't match you need to understand why, refer to lecture notes

3) get Schaum's Outline for whatever Math class you need to take, they have full lectures, worked out problems and problems with answers for self testing

that is how a rotten math student like me overcame that in college

you can do almost anything you set your mind to, you have to want it.

oh yes, this!!! you bet they do. just change numbers and stuff. There is also the PROBLEM SOLVER series, and they really go whole hog. My engineering son took my Physics and Calculus ones... LOL, profs use those too.