Please help, my computer is freking out right now.


Jul 21, 2014
So, earlier today i asked a question about my display driver crashing and then retarting, i solved that by instaling an older version of the drivers.
but now, my computer is freaking out here is what hapends.
( this only hapens on one user ( mine) my sisters is fine)
when ever i log in to my user, everythings fine then my screen turns black for a while and then comes back, no error messages.
when im on youtube, sometimes, my computer freezes every 10-30 seconds, but even weirder is, if im it freezes while audio is playing, that the sound will not stop, but it will go slowmotion, like robotic slow motion, and it wont stop freezing untill i restart the pc.
I have googled a little bit and found some ppl with similar problems, im trying all they said and im waiting too see if it worked or not, but if any of you know what this is or how to fix it, please help me. Thank you.

update 1: also, im running windows 7 ultimate 32 bit
4gb ddr3 1333mhz
i3-530@ 3.5ghz
asus gt-640 2gbddr3
asus p7h55m-pro mobo

update 2: FFS now graphics drivers are crashing again.
please help.

update 3:
OK, so i thing i found something new, these crashes hapen when something even slightly graphicly intensive hapens, for example it does not crash when im on desktop anymore because i disbled some stuff like aero, shadow behind pointer and all that stuff. Windows looks alot crapier, but it does not crash. i know this because my sister has not disabled these options and she crashes even when on desktop. but it does crash on games, even Geometry dash, so i think its probably something with the graphics card, but what is weird is that it all hapend sudently, and the gfx is only one year old so i dont think it should be already dying, also, my temperatures are fairly low, never going over 30Cº , so i have no idea why it would be dying already. anyway, i hope you can help. thanks.
Crap, that wasnt it , its hapening on my sisters user too, even worse when she was on she felt a slight burning smell, so im afraid it might be the psu. What do you think? I wanna b sure before i buy anything
Thanks, only have a few more questions
1 i need to get one that has at least 350w right? like the cx 430
2 also if i buy cheap 1 life 600w crappy thing, would it actualy use 600w at a time, or only what it needs?
cause the power bill is also a problem.