Please help need advice on upgrading desktop computer

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May 3, 2013
I have a Hp Pavilion Slimline S5-1204 slim form desktop pc and i want to upgrade it so that i may run most games decently but im not looking to spend a fortune on the upgrade

this computer runs a Pentium G630 dual core at 2.7ghz
4gb ram
1tb 7200 rpm hard drive
and has a 220w power supply

i was considering a i3 processor like this one?

and a gpu like

please let me know what would be my best course of action this computer would mainly be for gaming but also for other things like basic editing
just get a low profile ati 6670 or a low profile ati 6570 depending on your price range and you'll need a new psu go get a corsair 430w 80 plus bronze its super reliable and it will have plenty of wattage for future upgrades
Thank you, so no gpu will fit in my case? so if i bought another case couldn't i just move all the parts into that case? or is that an issue idk im still learning about this stuff ive never upgraded a computer b4 and thanks for the advice

You could, but it would be a good bit of work un-mounting and re-mounting all your parts. You should probably have a friend that is good with computer hardware help. If you don't know anyone like that you can try it yourself or bring it to a trustworthy local computer store and request their help (will cost extra $$$).

No its fine, for some reason I thought they used different sockets (I am not an intel guy at all). Your current mobo should be fine.

ok thats great i thought i had a good enough mobo and thanks ill deffiently use this info to upgrade my rig

Ok, nice, let us all know how it turns out!


Any core i3 or core i5 with separate GPU would suit you. Core i3 is very cheap now, and you will get 64 bit performance.
My advice is to upgrade to core i3. Get rid of the old PC, you will spend more time maintaining it than gaming.
First of all, what is your budget? In terms of CPU, I would suggest a core i3 3220, it should suit most of your needs. A radeon hd 7750 low profile graphics card or a gtx 650 ti low profile graphics card are both good choices, but again, it all depends on your budget. Feel free to pm me if you like, I have quite a bit of experience choosing parts to fit different budgets 😉
You should upgrade your PSU to 450 watts and you should get the low profile AMD Radeon 7750 for your graphics. I you might also need to upgrade your CPU to the Intel Core i3-2120.
hp computers are known for using proprietary parts even with there slimlines meaning you cant go out and buy a new psu unless you buy one from them there power supplies are custom made to fit that case they also custom mount the mobo in the case
I own an HP desktop and know from experience that those things are built WEIRD. My whole motherboard is up-side down for example. I would HIGHLY recommend getting a new case. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, though. You will certainly be needing a graphics card. Your CPU certainly could do with an upgrade, but you could also get by without one, just depends on your budget. Please let us know more precisely what your budget is so we can suggest things specifically tailored to that. Feel free to PM me with any questions, I've been building and upgrading my PC on a college student budget for the last few years so I have a fair bit of experience.
That 6450 you listed will likely not get the job done. What games were you hoping to play?

Currently the best graphics card you can get that doesn't require any additional power connectors is the HD 7750. It can be found in a low profile design if needed, and draws fewer than 50 watts peak:

I have one and it plays most games at 1080P and medium/high settings. You MAY not have to upgrade anything else as your power supply (PSU) may be enough.

For more demanding games (Crysis series, Tomb Raider 2013, Farcry 3) the 7750 may be lacking as well. Please keep in mind that changing your CPU, case, PSU and adding a graphics card is not really upgrading your current machine - you are essentially building an entirely new rig. Without knowing your needs in more detail, I cannot suggest such an upgrade path.

In any case, if you follow the suggestions of new case, cpu, psu, gpu you may as well just buy a motherboard (even an inexpensive one) and just make a whole new machine. Perhaps your current HP can be sold to offset some of the cost if money is a factor. If you do wish to build a new rig, get back to me with your needs and price range (as well as your country of origin) and I can try to put a part list together for you.


I play 1080p it plays ultra fine, maybe on 30fps I don't look at that it is still smooth and I never notice any lag
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