Please help, startup freezes and screeching noises

Dorel Marcovici

Apr 14, 2015
Hello, I have an Asus G551jm 4710hq, 8gm ram, 240Gb ssd hyperx savage, gtx 860m, and lately, it just freezes for 30sec-1 min after the desktop appears.
I just did today a clean windows install, and it still does the same, everything boots perfectly, windows loads in 4-5 seconds, then on dekstop freeze for 30+ sec...sometimes i get watchdog timer error but most of the times it unfreezes and everything's normal:s, Y have nothing installed but notebook fan control and some drivers, the problem is that it did the same thing on the FIRST boot, before I installed any driver, I cannot find anything to solve this.... please help.
Another problem would be that random screeching noises, like an old printer, or an bad harddrive working, come from left side of the laptop, i cannot be the fan because I disabled it( i stays in 50C temp, np) and idle system, and the sounds still come...., it didn't happend before...

So TL;DR -Small screeching noises you can hear from left side of laptop even tho fan is at 0 rpm(idle) and system idle.
-Every startup goes into 30-60 sec freeze with some startups with blue screen of watchdog error
-Clean install, nothing installed, it did this from first startup
-SSD is healthy, cpu is healthy vga is healthy ....
Well i had similiar problem with that dead system and bluescreen or freeze, make sure your power source in laptop is ok because the old power source or low quality can in one moment get malfuntioning. For example: i had also those random freeze and just dead system, i find out after some testing my old power source just starting be strong like those 6V or 9V one-use batteries and it was unable handle anything because to low voltage for components.
For those screeching noise try to make sure your storage driver or whatever component are not "inclined" because even if it move by 2° it can cause sceeching because hard drives have also mechanical moving parts inside
Well i had similiar problem with that dead system and bluescreen or freeze, make sure your power source in laptop is ok because the old power source or low quality can in one moment get malfuntioning. For example: i had also those random freeze and just dead system, i find out after some testing my old power source just starting be strong like those 6V or 9V one-use batteries and it was unable handle anything because to low voltage for components.
For those screeching noise try to make sure your storage driver or whatever component are not "inclined" because even if it move by 2° it can cause sceeching because hard drives have also mechanical moving parts inside