Please help Tj max in core temp is lower then before????


Jun 13, 2015
I have an fx 8350. I use core temp to monitor my temperatures. Core temp always said my tj max for the cpu was 90 Celsius. I upgraded my mobo yesterday but am still using the 8350. Now core temp says my tj max is 80 Celsius. Does anyone have an explanation of why core temp is showing a lower tj max?

Thank you community
You sir, have perfect and beatifully low temps. Which is very good.

Lets say the maximum temp your CPU can withstand is 100ºC.
and your Temp right now is 50ºC
THe TJ max is 50ºC. Because you are still 50ºC away from maximum temp.
Let's say your temp is 20ºC the TJ max would be 80ºC.
Tj max changes as the temp changes.
If the temperature goes down the TJ MAx goes up. And vice versa.
It is basically the head room you have before reaching the maximum allowed temp.

Lets say that the ambient temperature is hotter this day than the day that you saw the tj Max if the ambient temp is hotter, that will make the TJ max be lower because the cpu will heat up more...

Did you understand?

My idle temps range from 18 to 30 celcius. Under full load benchmark test with 100 percent cpu usage it gets up to 55 Celsius. But what i really want to know is Why did it say 90 tj max, but now its says 80 tj max with the new motherboard but still using the same cpu.
You sir, have perfect and beatifully low temps. Which is very good.

Lets say the maximum temp your CPU can withstand is 100ºC.
and your Temp right now is 50ºC
THe TJ max is 50ºC. Because you are still 50ºC away from maximum temp.
Let's say your temp is 20ºC the TJ max would be 80ºC.
Tj max changes as the temp changes.
If the temperature goes down the TJ MAx goes up. And vice versa.
It is basically the head room you have before reaching the maximum allowed temp.

Lets say that the ambient temperature is hotter this day than the day that you saw the tj Max if the ambient temp is hotter, that will make the TJ max be lower because the cpu will heat up more...

Did you understand?

No,sir. Iam very sure u misundertand what Tj Max is really about. It''s not as what you''ve describe. Basically, TjMax is like a par value that you better not to let your CPU temp to reach this value as it may damage your CPU in long term, or maybe shorter.

If you use Real Temp, maybe you get confused with the term used in the application like "distance to TjMax"'. This term means the gap of temperature between current CPU temp and Tj Max.

Tj Max is well described defined from a website as: "'TJ Max is the max temp of the processor, which you don't want to reach. The lower your temp, the better it is. Consequently, the higher your distance to TJ Max is the better it is."

FYI, Tj Max can be set in the BIOS of the MoBo. I personally lower the Tj Max by 10 Celcius, to be 90 Celcius for more precaution.