On 1/6/2016 everything was working fine, at around maybe 5:30PM i had to meet up with my mates so i turned off my computer and didn't turn it on until 2/6/2016. At this point, i came back and tried to play some of my games and watch videos on YT but random adverts started popping up, a womens voice started talking about me having Malware and Adware (She talked for maybe about 20 minutes but then she stopped) , little notification boxes started popping up that my computer might have the ZEUS Virus (Which is a lie as because later i knew what was the problem), I clicked on the pause button on Youtube so obviously another tab opened up with a phishy website. Also, when i'm on Steam, it happens the same as on the internet. I basically click on the Library or something else and another Steam tab pops up but its not Steam-related tab, instead its another advert. I used Malwarebytes, CCleaner, my own Anti-Virus. Nothing, nothing detected the problem. Of course, my computer ain't holy so it found malicious files but it wasn't related to the problem i currently was having. The problem was DNS Unlocker. I did not (as far as i remember) download any files, programs etc and somehow i have it on my computer for no actual reason.People can simply uninstall DNS Unlocker through the Control Panel but for me it isn't there. Also, apparently DNS Unlocker changes your DNS settings so if i want to remove it i have to change my DNS settings because it is required. My computer didn't detect the Virus and i still get pop ups till now. I was using Chrome so i changed to Opera yesterday when i was trying to solve the problem for about 5h. Nothing, though i might start using Opera 🙂 . I blocked all the a adverts that are incoming and at the top right of the screen it shows me the amount of websites it blocked which is 99+ all the time if i spend more than 5-10 minutes on the website. Please help me, the DNS Unlocker is absolutely killing me and i can't find it in my computer, it's undetectable. Also, when the adverts pop up or links or something it says such things like 'Ad by DNSUnlocker,Powered by DNSUnlocker' etc. Words become links too, for example, when i wrote example right now it would appear normal for the first 3 or 5 seconds after attending the website or search result, after it changes to green with the ability to being clicked on to direct you to another phishy website. Please help, it is annoying me so much and i'll love help, please give me the solution as easy and simple as possible, thank you.
I forgot to mention, most of the time i can't click on links and when i am on YT i can't 'Browse more' when i get to the bottom of the comments and if a comment has a long conversation under it, i can't click it either. I will keep on giving problems that i did not mention.
I forgot to mention, most of the time i can't click on links and when i am on YT i can't 'Browse more' when i get to the bottom of the comments and if a comment has a long conversation under it, i can't click it either. I will keep on giving problems that i did not mention.