Please help! Usb-port doesn't work with one specific device!


Oct 31, 2014
I'm trying to connect my printer to my laptop with the USB-cable, but nothing happens. I've reinstalled the software and driver from the printer and checked the USB-ports for any faults or new upgrades.
I have no problems connecting my eksternal hard disk, usb-keys or my phone to the computer. What could be the problem and any advices on what to do?

My operating system is Windows Embedded 8.1 and the printer is HP envy 4500 series in case any of that has something to do with the problem.
buy a valid license (about 90-100 dollars) and either download & install it or use the DVD (if provided)

you're not going to be able to keep what you currently have on your computer though

But I have not have any problems, except from this, so far. Why is it not intended for laptops?

Jesus... I guess that's the problem then. Any advices how to "install" standard windows 8.1 operating system on my laptop?

Thank you for your help - hope it works!

I think Entomber has a point that Embedded isn't supported by the printer. Except from that the system works perfectly. But thanks for your help.