I have this thread started in gpu but no on ehas replied so im putting here as well when I start benchmarking everything goes fine for a few then my fps drops bad and my card stays at voltage limit and I have to restart my computer before the fps will run normal again I kinda need to know whats going on is it a bad pcie slot or the gpu its self but it seems it doesn't happen on default either I have a asus prime z370a motherbored 32 gig of corsair lpx 3200mhz ram a i7 8500k a evga gq1000watt gold psu and a MSI 11g The Duke OC gpu
here is it working fine
and this is with it messing up
Please help and thank you greatly for taking time to help
here is it working fine
and this is with it messing up
Please help and thank you greatly for taking time to help