[PLEASE HELP] Will the AMD A10 APU 7850K run with a GTX 960 2Gb???


Mar 22, 2016
I was wondering if the AMD A10-Series APU A10-7850K will run with a GTX 960 2GB because i need to upgrade my motherboard because i bought a Elgato HD60 Pro and the motherboard doesn't have a PCI express port for the HD60 Pro.
Here are the links for the items
AMD A10-Series APU A10-7850K http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H7Z7YMI?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_1&smid=A1FF9ODJZIUKGX

Motherboard http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AA24KOE?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_2&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Should i get this CPU instead without APU just CPU. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Y1AJLS2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A27220W4J1QU6O
Both of those links above are APUs with integrated video. Did you mean the Athlon X4 860K/880K?

Yes, the GTX 960 would be a good match for either of the APUs you list, and it will work great on that board. And yes, the Athlon x4 would be the less expensive choice for the same performance as long as you don't see yourself ever needing to use the iGPU.

Btw, what m/b did you have that came with no PCIe x1 or x4 slot?
Both of those links above are APUs with integrated video. Did you mean the Athlon X4 860K/880K?

Yes, the GTX 960 would be a good match for either of the APUs you list, and it will work great on that board. And yes, the Athlon x4 would be the less expensive choice for the same performance as long as you don't see yourself ever needing to use the iGPU.

Btw, what m/b did you have that came with no PCIe x1 or x4 slot?

i got a asrock M\B that came with the computer here's the link http://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/FM2A55M-VG3+/
and the other CPU is a APU as well?
So.. It doesn't matter if i get the AMD A10-Series APU A10-7850K or AMD A10 7870K

should i go with the AMD Athlon X4 880K or the AMD A10 7870K

AMD A10 7870K http://www.amazon.com/AMD-Processors-3-9GHz-Socket-AD787KXDJCBOX/dp/B00Y1AJLS2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A27220W4J1QU6O

AMD Athlon X4 880K http://www.amazon.com/Advance-micro-device-Solution-AD880KXBJCSBX/dp/B01BPEZ5P4?ie=UTF8&keywords=amd%20athlon%20x4%20880k&qid=1458852112&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
The 880K and the 7870K are the same CPU. One comes with a working iGPU, the other does not. Both can be OC'ed to the same speed. Like I said, it is a choice only you can make. Do you want an iGPU to use in case the dedicated gfx card fails? Or do you want to save some money and some wasted heat and go with the Athlon? Personally, I have no need for an iGPU if I have a dedicated gfx card. And if it fails, I'll just buy a new one. I would choose the 880K.

And if the wait was too long, I'd get the 860K. In fact I had one. Had it OC'ed to 4.2GHz.

Thanks for the help man i just bought the M\B and the CPU [AMD Athlon X4 880K]