Question Please help

May 26, 2019
Ok so I have just built my first ever PC and when I was finished I clicked the power button and a small red flash popped up. I believe it’s a debug LED and had CPU/VGA/boot/dram however I don’t know what the problem is if anyone knows or can put up any suggestions that would be very helpful and thank you

If you need the specs then here they are:
Ryzen5 2600X
Radeon R9 280x (I believe)
16GB DDR4 3200MHz
X570-A PRO
500 watt power supply
For Christmas I got a brand new cpu, motherboard and ram so I took my old system apart and built up a new system (this is my first build) and when I pressed the power button nothing happened. I unplugged my PSU and did the paper clip test which the fan on the psu worked. I plugged it back into the motherboard and it didn’t start to spin if anyone knows the problem (or what I’m even talking about please help me) the specs are:
X570-A PRO
Ryzen 5 2600X
Radeon r9 280X
Cx500M power supply
16GB DDR4 3200MHz
No beeps, LEDs lit?

Do you have the User Manual for the motherboard?

Verify that I found the applicable manual.

Use the manual to doublecheck your work. Be sure to read all of fine print and notes.

Ensure that all cable connections and component seatings are fully and firmly in place.

Work through the Troubleshooting section, physically numbered Page 68.
No beeps, LEDs lit?

Do you have the User Manual for the motherboard?

Verify that I found the applicable manual.

Use the manual to doublecheck your work. Be sure to read all of fine print and notes.

Ensure that all cable connections and component seatings are fully and firmly in place.

Work through the Troubleshooting section, physically numbered Page 68.
One red led flashes I have checked i think it is the cpu debug led but I don’t know what is wrong
Reference the Quick Start link above: Page 37, shows the EZ Debug LED's.

Verify that the red led is indeed CPU.

Most likely you will need to disassemble the build and carefully work on a do-over going step by step as listed in the .pdf guide.

Make certain that all components are correctly in place, fully and firmly seated, and, as applicable, fully and firmly connected with the power and data cables.