I have a 1080 Ti, I'm going to upgrade to a 1440p 144hz monitor.
I currently have a 144 1080p monitor.
One day I will want to upgrade this card, so if I bought a 244 1440p monitor
Will I get the same results as a 144 1440p monitor except.. One has more potentional for when I eventually get a new gfx card to support the 1440p 250hz..
Or will running a 250hz 1440p mess up my fps etc as its too powerful for my GPU to be run at 244hz.. Or does it not matter.. I'm confused.
144 or 244 1440p
I currently have a 144 1080p monitor.
One day I will want to upgrade this card, so if I bought a 244 1440p monitor
Will I get the same results as a 144 1440p monitor except.. One has more potentional for when I eventually get a new gfx card to support the 1440p 250hz..
Or will running a 250hz 1440p mess up my fps etc as its too powerful for my GPU to be run at 244hz.. Or does it not matter.. I'm confused.
144 or 244 1440p