Yesterday my computer started to slip into a reboot cycle. After some consultation on Tom's Hardware I decided to try removing the heatsink and cpu, cleaning off the old thermal paste, reapplying and reinstalling everything. (Last week I had to take the PC on a road trip and the thought was that the heatsink-cpu connection might have been jostled just enough to cause overheating issues.)
Well it worked... sort of.
My computer is back up and running and stable. However my RAID 10 drive-- the drive that holds my two big freelance projects that are due next week-- is no longer recognized. It still reads as the R drive as before, but now if I click on it I'm told that the drive needs to be formatted.
I built the system, but I'm still pretty green, especially with RAID. What options are there for me to recover my data and remove my heart from my throat???
Well it worked... sort of.
My computer is back up and running and stable. However my RAID 10 drive-- the drive that holds my two big freelance projects that are due next week-- is no longer recognized. It still reads as the R drive as before, but now if I click on it I'm told that the drive needs to be formatted.
I built the system, but I'm still pretty green, especially with RAID. What options are there for me to recover my data and remove my heart from my throat???