Please interpret these WinMtr results


Jan 9, 2011
I am currently experiencing disconnects from path of exile. i have gone back and forth with the available support team and they are telling me it is an issue with mt network or ISP. My system is overkill for requirements by a longshot and i play many other online games with zero issues. I ran winmtr as the support team suggest and this is where they pointed out my issue is......
| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| 1 2. .1.1 - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
| c-7 -1 - 95 | 344 | 20 | 0 | 1416 | 4974 | 3636 |
| - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 8 | 15 | 111 | 14 |
| - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 11 | 16 | 37 | 12 |
| - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 17 | 23 | 44 | 23 |
| - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 18 | 23 | 51 | 23 |
|xe-0/0/ - 1 | 1635 | 1631 | 17 | 21 | 60 | 19 |
| - 1 | 1603 | 1591 | 50 | 54 | 109 | 55 |
| - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 49 | 54 | 93 | 53 |
| - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 50 | 56 | 142 | 51 |
| - 0 | 1650 | 1650 | 50 | 54 | 74 | 52 |
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

So my question is can someone tell me in further detail why im getting a 95% packet loss on my second hop with 5k spikes(i dont even know what im saying right now but that is what i was told was happening). I was private messaged by a random person telling me the 2nd hop is usually modem/router connection? is this true? what should i do to resolve this issue? the support team has told me they have no further help to offer it is in my hands now, please help!
All I can tell you is it is not a network issue.

This is especially true since only a single game is affected. Only a silly game company support group that is too lazy to help would try to say it is not their problem. Ok it IS a network problem them. It is with the NETWORK application WITHIN their game.

You have been given completely wrong information. The second hop is not your modem. It is either the first hop if you are running it as a router or it is totally transparent. The second hop is within the ISP network. This is where running tools you don't understand how work gets people in big trouble. You have to spend the time to learn what these results mean and I can promise you they PROVE it is not a network problem...
You have no issues with the network connection, the second hop is a abnormality of how traceroute/winmtr works. You likely have a different issue.

There are 2 basic ways you can get delay/loss in a hop. The connection between the previous hop and the next one has errors or the router at the hop has a issue.

When you have errors that are circuit related or capacity related the errors will start occurring at a certain hop in the trace and then occur in all hops past it. For example if a circuit loses 50% of the data going between hops 3 and 4 then traffic going between hops 4 and 5 will also loss 50% because it had to pass over the hop3-4 connection before it got to the 4-5 connection. This is a true issue with the network and it will show in all hops past the point of errors.

The other kind is when the router is too busy to bother to talk to you. In knows that the ICMP replays or time to live exceeded messages are not as critical as other traffic so it will sometime just no bother to replay or delay the response until it is done forwarding traffic that has value. This kind does not mean much as long as the traffic passing though the device is not delayed.

What is really bad though is traceroute lies it only knows the network hops when viewed from one end. The return path can be completely different at times due to asynchronous routing in the network. You really have to be testing from both ends to figure out where a problem is.....not that it really matters on the internet where you can do nothing to fix it.
All i want to do is get this fixed ANNNNNY way possible. Do i call a company to come out? Do i buy a new modem? Please please please please someone give me a point in the proper direction to fix this? When your transmission goes you go to the trans shop, so on my p/c my " i have no clue" is broke and there are currently no "i have no clue" shops in my area.
All I can tell you is it is not a network issue.

This is especially true since only a single game is affected. Only a silly game company support group that is too lazy to help would try to say it is not their problem. Ok it IS a network problem them. It is with the NETWORK application WITHIN their game.

You have been given completely wrong information. The second hop is not your modem. It is either the first hop if you are running it as a router or it is totally transparent. The second hop is within the ISP network. This is where running tools you don't understand how work gets people in big trouble. You have to spend the time to learn what these results mean and I can promise you they PROVE it is not a network problem. The game company needs to take this as PROOF it IS their problem.
This is the standard problem with support at any company when you have a advanced problem. All the droids that answer the phone are programmed to follow their scripts and have no actual knowledge of how to fix real problem.

You only option now is to go back and really learn how this tool works so you can explain to them like I did for you why this is clear proof there is no network issue.