please power down and connect the pcie power cables gtx 1060


Oct 9, 2017

My computer is fairly old so due warning there, but I decided to upgrade it with a msi gtx 1060 6gb gaming x. After getting the card and trying to install it i found that my psu did not have an 8 pin pcie power connector. I do have one 6 pin and 2 addition 6 pin pcie power connectors connected to my psu via dual mole adaptors. Making sure I didn't screw anything up I got an 6 to 8 pin adapter after plugging in the card the error message "please power down and connect the pcie power cables" appears on my screen and I check and recheck all my connections and I still don't understand why this error appears. I know my machine is old but regardless my power supply has more than enough juice to feed the card. I have a fsp700-80ghn 700W power supple. So I am completely confused is my graphics card faulty or is something else wrong. Please help?
"will a dual mole to 8 pin connector work? "

^^ Very bad idea. Asking two wires to do work usually allotted to three wires.

That fsp700-80ghn is an older design that is heavy on the 3.3v and 5v rails. Even so it should have enough 12v juice to at least power up the card to desktop.

As you may know. Main difference in 8-pin connector is addition of two extra ground wires. One of which acts as "sense" to tell the card a 8-pin is connected. Be sure your adapter has those or it will stop on error as you are experiencing.

No my psu has 3 pcie 6 pin connectors. The graphics card takes one 8 pin pcie connector. I bought an adaptor for a 6 pin to an 8 pin

No, no. Double checked and checked the box. Only one 8 pin connector, no additional power sockets are on the card.
Ok, checked it again and seems you are right. In this case, there are only 2 possible causes of this problem: adapter you got is not working, or the GPU itself is not working. What kind of adapter you have btw? Is it 2x6 pin to single 8-pin, or single 6-pin to single 8-pin?

Single 6 pin to 8 pin adapter
That's a bad idea. Even if it would work, I would not use such adapter. Well, using adapters to power GPU is never a good idea, but this kind of adapter is even worse. If you have to use an adapter, at least make it proper 2x6 pin to 8 pin.

So it seems a dual 6 pin to 8 pin adapter is a bit more difficult to get hold of, will a dual mole to 8 pin connector work?
"will a dual mole to 8 pin connector work? "

^^ Very bad idea. Asking two wires to do work usually allotted to three wires.

That fsp700-80ghn is an older design that is heavy on the 3.3v and 5v rails. Even so it should have enough 12v juice to at least power up the card to desktop.

As you may know. Main difference in 8-pin connector is addition of two extra ground wires. One of which acts as "sense" to tell the card a 8-pin is connected. Be sure your adapter has those or it will stop on error as you are experiencing.