Please read the description its about problems attaching fans to my motherboard


Sep 17, 2014
Hi, i am 90% there on building my pc and because my motherboard a Gigabyte Z97X SLI only has 4 fan power inputs one of which is for the cpu fan, so three. because i have 4 case fans, is it ok if i put the last of my fans power supply into a socket meant for a cpu water-cooling fan as the sockets look identical.
Also another separate question, all the fan headers are 4 pins whereas all the fans that i have brought or that have come with the case have 3 pins. I discovered that the fourth pin is for fan control however that pin is in the middle of the 4 and so either the fan won't be plugged into pin 1 which is GND?? or pin 4 which is VCC??? will this matter? is there perhaps an adapter?
Thanks in advance.