Hi this is my custom build I'm about to get have I have a few questions: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/vfMFm8
1. I know this case comes with fans but are the fans good and if they are not, which QUIET ones I should get?
2. I also would need a wireless network adaptors so which one is is good? (I don't know much about these adaptors) I would like one that has some kind of strong signal if you know what i mean ;-;
3. This build won't be loud right?
1. I know this case comes with fans but are the fans good and if they are not, which QUIET ones I should get?
2. I also would need a wireless network adaptors so which one is is good? (I don't know much about these adaptors) I would like one that has some kind of strong signal if you know what i mean ;-;
3. This build won't be loud right?