Please somebody know this


Jul 14, 2018
When I was 10 my dad got this computer. It was 2001 and it came with windows ME. There were some demo games on there that i used to play. I know one was Abes Odyssey. There was another I've been dying to know since, can anybody give me a list of the games that came on windows ME? All I can remember is you were this god like person that could do large attacks every so often like plague or other stuff to the other tribe and you had these buildings that you can train warriors or priests to convert the enemy on to your side. I know you could build towers and people that could shoot fireballs could shoot from them. Please what is this game?

Edit: I THINK it was made by Sierra but not for sure.
I'm wondering if it even came as demo from MS for Windows. More likely a drmo that came with a video card purchase in the system, or something like that. Any idea what GPU was originally in it, or soundcard?
Not sure of the game, and that may save on my googling
Empire Earth? If so..... GoG sells EEII as a gold bundle for cheap, and additionally there's a 1.5 Fan patch I would highly recommend for both compatibility and extended gameplay. EE2 is probably the best of the series.

The fortresses fire flaming arrows with a bit of "explosion" mixed in, it had about 18 epochs, and you could build roads and such? Sounds like it fits the bill.

I'm still quite fond of it today :)
Yeah that wasn't a Windows ME game built into the OS. That was most likely part of a promotional bundle in the software (Dell used to do that a lot back in the day with PCs that had dedicated video cards installed - they probably got paid by the game developer to promote it as a demo). No idea what the actual game was though. Just not enough info and it was long ago. Hope you or someone else figures it out though. I assume all those CDs that came with that computer are long gone.
It wasnt empire earth. This game had supernatural powers not just medieval weaponry like I said one guy could be turned in to a guy who shoots fireballs and the priest didnt attack at all just tried to stop people with in a certain radius and they would sit down while he preached and after a while they'd be turned into your guy to use.
Since you said that game resembled Mythology, you can Google every PC game released by year and a list will pop up. I'd start in 1999 just to cover things then try 2000-2001. There's an entire list out there of every game released by year and it pops right up in the first search. This is where you are just going to have to spend time to find it yourself unless someone knows it offhand. And I don't think that's likely considering how old the game is. It's a shot in the dark.
That won't help. This was not a game bundled with the Windows ME operating system. It was a promo demo CD. I'd bet money on it. Your best bet might be to see if there are forums out there outside of Tom's that are dedicated to retro Windows PC gaming. Also a lot depends on how popular the game was and how well it sold. The less popular, the less will remember even coming across it.
Only if they bought that same PC during that game demo promo period. If you had said you remember this from a PC Gamer magazine monthly game demo CD, I'd look because I have every single one since December 1998 when I first subscribed up to January 2003 when I stopped.
Yeah that's what I mean. I can try and help you only if you know for certain it was on a PC Gamer monthly demo disk. Obviously it was not, so good luck. If you don't get a hit, do what I originally recommended and just spend time looking at every PC game that was released between 1999-2001. And I specifically say PC game because it may not have been available on a console at the time like the PS2.
Not likely unless someone screen captured it or had the BB weekly flier of the time advertising that PC (if it was advertised at all in print). They like all retailers only have a finite budget to work with on retaining old hardware sold on their websites. You'll get a "not found" pop up when on their website.

That's the PC Gamer monthly demo disks I was referring to. He'll just have to see if the name clicks, but it doesn't sound like it. Being 10 at the time means he likely won't recognize the game name even if he saw it. I can assure you I know the name of every game I bought since age 21 with my own money!
No I dont think it was any of those games and no it's not black and white. The game Pharoah from sierra gane was similar style I remember you were like a voodoo person you could use magic to cast a tornado and bugs over to the the other magic person but mainly you had to build huts and raise a little population to work and be soldiers.