Plextor M5S vs. Samsung 840 series


Feb 25, 2013
Plextor M5S Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk
Samsung 840 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk

I'm building a new computer and i've heard good things about both. I'm sort of a computer beginner so i dont know the difference 🙂 I will be gaming more than anything. Thanks for reading and/or answering
I agree with the others.

If you are considering a Plextor ssd, then you might want to take a look at the M5 Pro instead of the M5S. Intel and Crucial are also worth considering.

I maintain the ssd database listed in the sticky at the very top of this forum section. Here is the link:

Scroll down to the brands and models you are interested in and follow the links to the technical reviews.