Plextor's M6 Pro SSD Comes With PlexTurbo Caching Software

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I turned off RAPID on my 840 Pro because there is obvious lag, and unless you run a data center off of it i see no use for it (fairly crappy data center too).
So... the obvious question: What are the differences, if any, between PlexTurbo and Samsung RAPID?
Plexturbo is much better and faster than Rapid, but mostly only because it is newer. Still not a good idea because disaster can strike during power loss if you don't have a UPS.
Plexturbo is better because it's newer? That makes no sense. Samsung's Rapid Cache has been improving over time so if anything in this case older is better.

I've seen no issues with Samsung Rapid Cache, though in reality it's very, very difficult to compare. Benchmarks don't test accurately and real-world usage doesn't lend itself to easy comparison.

As for the POWER LOSS issue that's a fair comment but then how LONG exactly is data cached before being written anyway? Probably far less than a second so if your data is that crucial get a battery backup (only needed for a desktop).

*I'd really like to see a proper TEST to compare these caching technologies.
Currently Plexturbo has better specs than Rapid because it had the advantage of looking at Rapid's weak aspects and creating a new software from the ground up to avoid those mistakes. I have no doubt that some newer version of Rapid in the very near future will match Plexturbo. I also have no doubt that both techs will improve enough that the difference would be negligible. Thus, while a comparison would be nice, it would also be kinda meaningless I think.

The thing about Power Loss is a big issue though, as most people's data are very important. Plexturbo actually claims power loss protection with PT, but I want to see how that works in detail. Hell, I want to see a Toms test of that claim rather than some stupid benchmark comparison with Rapid.
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