PLS HELP! Bought Windows 10 PRO key and not sure how to create bootable USB drive.


Jan 22, 2016
So the website has given me the key and a link to iso download for 64bit professional. But my new pc doesnt have a dvd drive so im forced to use USB. When I try to create a bootable USB using the windows media creation tool, it doesn't give me the option for Windows 10 Pro? Only Windows 10, Windows 10 N and Windows 10 Home. If i click windows 10 and proceed to enter the professional key will it work? Also if I move the iso the website gave me to the usb will it be bootable? please help guys!!
So this can be a little tricky sometimes, but here's what you need to do. You already have the ISO downloaded, right? Download a program called Rufus. What you're needing is exactly what this program does. Once the program is downloaded, put your flash drive into your computer (it will format it, so remove everything else off of it), select the ISO, check the option for making it bootable and let it run. This will create a bootable ISO your computer can boot to. When you restart to boot to the flash drive, press the button for the boot menu and select the flash drive, it will then boot the OS from it. Let me know if you need anymore help. Thanks!

Ahh thank you so much for the reply.
Turns out they updated the media creation tool and the bootable version for usb offers you both windows home and pro once you are running it, so you can't choose it at the initial stage from the pc you are downloading it from but rather at the stage where its plugged into the new system. So yeah I don't need the ISO anymore and don't have to mess around with rufus either (yay).
Thanks anyway for the reply mate!