Approximate Purchase Date: 23.04.15
Budget Range: 900$ (1000$ only if huge upgrades become available)
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Surfing, Movies, occasional Photo/Video editing via Photoshop/Premiere, Music production via Ableton / Cubase / FLStudio
Are you buying a monitor: No, I'm using 2x 23,6" monitors and a Full HD TV. Would be great to run all 3 devices at the same time
Parts to Upgrade: none, built from scratch, except mouse, keyboard, monitors
Do you need to buy OS: No. I have a new version of Windows 8.1 OEM for this build right here.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: (preferably
Location: Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany
Parts Preferences: Intel CPU, GPU should be able to run 3 monitors at the same time. GPU brand doesn't matter.
Overclocking: Yes
SLI or Crossfire: No/Maybe (I don't think my budget allows it)
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Additional Comments: A Quiet PC without water cooling would be nice. Decided to buy a new system since GTA V isn't running smooth. Current system is ~ 7 years old now, mainboard already equipped with best CPU for my socket (AMD Phenom 9550 Quad Core, 2,2GHz). New CPU means I have to buy a new mainboard, which means I'll have to get new RAM. Housing: Bling not required. In fact, a discreet black housing is what I'm looking for.
Haven't decided on any specific parts yet. As you might have read from my additional comments, my last system is 7 years old and I am absolutely outdated in regards to current computer hardware.
Personal note: Thanks guys. Since it's my first time posting a thread like this, I just wanted to say: I tried my best not to violate any forum rules, post this thread the wrong way or forget anything of importance. However: If I did - I'm sorry! (I know I haven't picked any parts yet. Not because I'm lazy but rather to be more open to suggestions. If doing this is required, I will.)
Budget Range: 900$ (1000$ only if huge upgrades become available)
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Surfing, Movies, occasional Photo/Video editing via Photoshop/Premiere, Music production via Ableton / Cubase / FLStudio
Are you buying a monitor: No, I'm using 2x 23,6" monitors and a Full HD TV. Would be great to run all 3 devices at the same time
Parts to Upgrade: none, built from scratch, except mouse, keyboard, monitors
Do you need to buy OS: No. I have a new version of Windows 8.1 OEM for this build right here.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: (preferably
Location: Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany
Parts Preferences: Intel CPU, GPU should be able to run 3 monitors at the same time. GPU brand doesn't matter.
Overclocking: Yes
SLI or Crossfire: No/Maybe (I don't think my budget allows it)
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Additional Comments: A Quiet PC without water cooling would be nice. Decided to buy a new system since GTA V isn't running smooth. Current system is ~ 7 years old now, mainboard already equipped with best CPU for my socket (AMD Phenom 9550 Quad Core, 2,2GHz). New CPU means I have to buy a new mainboard, which means I'll have to get new RAM. Housing: Bling not required. In fact, a discreet black housing is what I'm looking for.
Haven't decided on any specific parts yet. As you might have read from my additional comments, my last system is 7 years old and I am absolutely outdated in regards to current computer hardware.
Personal note: Thanks guys. Since it's my first time posting a thread like this, I just wanted to say: I tried my best not to violate any forum rules, post this thread the wrong way or forget anything of importance. However: If I did - I'm sorry! (I know I haven't picked any parts yet. Not because I'm lazy but rather to be more open to suggestions. If doing this is required, I will.)