Poetry Contest anyone?


Aug 6, 2017
Must be of your own creation, cannot copy from another person/source.
Keep it Mature
Just comment down below your poem

Try to add some harmony into your text.
This is free verse, and it doesn't need to rhyme.
Your poem can either be short or long, your choice.

I title my piece: Mother

It was a cold winter day, bright and luminous as could be for a special day
It was time for me to visit my mother once again after so many years
It had felt like only yesterday that I left my ‘Home” for a new place to call home
But with new places came new faces, but old faces are things i’ll never forget.

Ah mother, oh how the thought of seeing her again after this new year excites me so
We lived so far apart from one another but I promised to visit her every now and then
And this is a time I could never forget because time is so short in every life
I remember how her and I could never forget the motherly love I had felt when I was a child.

Time passed in an instant as mother aged more and more yet she stayed strong till the end
But she had a gift for me of which she never explained what it was, she said i´ll receive later
Her love was the gift that could never be paid for nor could it be sold for, i´d never relinquish it
For her love was what filled the void in my heart when I was still just only so young and kind.

But now I must fulfil my promise to visit her again after so many long years apart
I had brought her flowers as always and a lit candle as I do every year i visit her over and over
I set them down near her as what stood before me was a phantasm of her spirit as she thanked me
Tears trailed down my face as her name was engraved on a stone slab in front of me with her under my two own very feet.


Liked the "edit". Fits quite well.

like! such a cynically, but sometimes this is all we have