Poor fps in game and overall PC stuttering


Nov 28, 2017
So I built my pc over the course of this year and i have pretty good specs overall (graphics card is lacking but my budget restricted me).

I had problems with my hdd (it was from an older prebuilt and i didn't realise it would cause problems)

so i replaced that and now every peice of the pc is relativly new.

I am still getting terrible fps in games and when i have dual monitors connected I get this odd skipping now and then when something is loading.

all drivers that i know of are up to date

I have an i7 7770k, gtx 1050ti sc, 16gb corsair vengence 3200hz, seagate barracuda 1tb hdd

any suggestions of problems or help diagnosing issues much appreaciated.
Yep, that was horrible.

Josh, assuming you have a sufficient PSU (as Saga asks), i'd advise upgrading your GPU to significantly enhance your gaming performance. Your CPU is a-ok. i.e. A 6 year old CPU can still be adequate. Basically, gaming is all about the GPU.
Consider selling the 1050 on ebay and getting a 1070. Some good finds can be had on ebay for 2nd hand gear. Even people upgrading to 1080ti selling their 1080.
I have a 600w psu which i thought would be enough although it was one of the items heavily budgeted. and it was bought just over a year ago. Its corsir cx600.

From the research ive done the 1050ti should be more than enough to get decent frames in game on 1080p but im running 1080p on low setting on overwatch and its barely holding 60fps at the best of times with drops as low as 15.

I did a fresh install of windows with the new hhd.
All the drivers i know of are up to date. Only one monitor makes a difference of maybe 70-80fps but still drops down to 30fps.
the monitor is connected to the graphics card not the motherboard.

would i perhaps need to do another BIOS update?
I updated BIOS with my previous hard drive but i was under the impression once you install new BIOS it was on the mobo
Correct BIOS is on the motherboard. Your copy of Windows, was it freshly installed on your new hard drive or was it a clone of your old drive?

When gaming what are your cpu and gpu temperatures?

When gaming what is your cpu usage on each core (average) and gpu usage?

For measuring temperatures and usages a program like MSIAfterburner is very good if you don't have a program already for this.