Poor Gaming Performance


Feb 17, 2015
Hi guys/gals I'm running a dual RX480 4gb in crossfire on a M5A99FX PRO R2.0 with a AMD 8350 Oc to 4.5Ghz, my question is am i bottle-necking the graphic performance having these cards on this chip and board? i'm running an ssd and 16gbs of ram? i'm getting generally crap performance on some games like gta5, assassins creed 4, witcher 2, and far cry 4 to name a few. needing some advice on what to do? planning a total rebuild in late spring anything to make things better until then thanks !
I will say: the 8350 will hold back the pair of 480s. If the game inherently supports CFX well, and the 480s are allowed to scale well, then the 8350 will hold it back. What you're experiencing could easily be due to poor CFX integration; I don't know how well Witcher 2, AC4, or FC4 utilize multi-GPU configs. I do know that GTA has good support. What settings are you running all of these in CFX? Default, Optimize, etc?
Crap= 60 frames steady then frame drops down to 35-50ish then jumps back to 60 then 35-50. im kinda leaning towards a crossfire issue but unsure of how to fix it. actually had better performance with one card
Have you determined that it is a crossfire issue? Have you run the games with CFX disabled and determined that that indeed was causing problems?

I know at the very least for GTAV, when I had 2 R7 370s the game ran stable at 75 FPS, the limiting factor for me was an FX 6100 which I eventually upgraded to what you see in my sig.
i'm gonna try a clean installation of the latest amd drivers first but no i never had any issues with a single card other the obvious single card limitation. the crossfire setup does run the games but it's choppy.
I will say: the 8350 will hold back the pair of 480s. If the game inherently supports CFX well, and the 480s are allowed to scale well, then the 8350 will hold it back. What you're experiencing could easily be due to poor CFX integration; I don't know how well Witcher 2, AC4, or FC4 utilize multi-GPU configs. I do know that GTA has good support. What settings are you running all of these in CFX? Default, Optimize, etc?
What CFX settings are you running, though? Are you running everything in default mode, or are you searching for the CFX profile, are you running them in Optimize 1x1, AFR friendly, etc? It'll be in Crimson.

For GTAV, that makes sense, it is a CPU bound title.
You should search for the profile first, if it doesn't have one inherently default or optimize 1x1 should work; if those see artifacting (I had some grass randomly pop up in GTAV in the middle of highways periodically) then I would switch the profile you're running. There are some games that no matter what you do will not run well with crossfire or will have issues. Watch_Dogs gave me issues to no end, even with its own profile. Such is the life of a multi-GPU setup.