poor laptop performance gamming help

Oct 18, 2018
recently I bought by Amazon a gamming laptop dell 7577 brand with i5 7300hq processor, 8gb RAM and a graphic card nvidia gtx 1060 6gb max q, according to many reviews of pages like youtube I saw that this had very good performance in games as fornite and ring of elysium for mensioning some to try it with fornite and ring of elysium the computer ran but at less than 30fps in the case of fornite and in ring of elysium below 20fps, update graphics drivers and select in the nvidia panel as the graph gtx 1060 max q as the default I do not know what to do to achieve a better performance in the games thanks in advance. a greeting.

The temperatures are under the 60 Celsius degrees, in the task mananger i cant see tue usage of the gpu but, the cpu when i am playing its above the 80% of usage when i am playing fortnite
i think that maybe i am not using the nvidia gpu
how i can show o activate the usage of the gpu in the task mananger?