Poor overclock on strix 980ti (OC version)


May 24, 2016
Hi I wonder if anybody can offer me some advice.

I am getting a very poor overclock on my strix 980ti oc.
I am currently running +120 on the core (1497 MHz in game boost)
I can only achieve +70 on memory.

Running with a 20mv. Which is stable.

Temps are ok at 73c fans at 60%
TPD at 110%.

Whenever I try for a bigger overclock and increase voltages I am hitting perf caps on gpuz (hitting Tpd)
I also get vrel.
I and I only have +50 voltage on MSi afterburner. I just cannot squeeze any more out of it. And it's a bit annoying. There is just no budging with this card.

From what I am seeing this is a pretty poor overclock compared to others I have seen. Did I loose out on the silicon lottery do you think?

Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thank you!
Cheers plumboby. I don't plan to ramp up anymore as it's the last thing I want to do.
Luck of the draw I guess. Would have thought I would have got a lot more out of it but obviously not.
it happens i been lucky so far but msi is hit of miss i have noticed its y i stick with asus or gigabyte & use afterburner to tune my set ups in but if after burner is locking u back it be the silicon lottery or a not so good chip just as advise wind it up a bit but dont push it OC as u end up nuking it find a tune ur happy with that's safe & stable & u end up no issues OC to me is a waste as ur taking longjevity out or ur hardware i dont oc as by the time u ramp it up u only gain a few fps so not worth it for minor gain
Very true. I wanted to see what I could get out of the card. I can't go any higher than I am as I hit perf caps and the card throttles back. Going to +25mv seems to bring out the perf caps. It doesn't seem to effect voltage readings in anything under this?!
I guess I just got a rubbish overclocker. but dam it has to be one of the worst ones I have seen! Which led me to believe it may be something else. It would be nice to be able to increase the tpd for more headroom.
yeah msi does that y i stick with asus or gigabyte heaps of headroom to tweak but i dont worry as pre set out of gigabyte & asus are prety goof got a asus 650gtxti i bought 2nd hand irony is its brand new on a hassy set up in my stepsons desktop as is havnt touched it & throwing out plenty or grunt as is old card & many have said to me they are crap cards but its exceeded my views so end of the days whats on paper isnt tru its real world testing but i found msi u either have a good run or a bad run with its lucky dip & ur using afterburner & its the best OC program round so prety much got unlucky with the card m8 sorry to hear just dont push it to hard
Yea exactly you can write anything on paper it's not until it's real world tested you learnt the true story.
Like you say guess I just got unlucky this time. It's still a great card but would have been nice to be able to push it further when the time calls.
I really hope so. I will just use as is for now and hope and wait haha.
Kind of temped to do a bios mod at some point to see if that will help but would of preferred not to in the first place I guess.