Poor performance on GTX 980 from Gigabyte


Dec 19, 2015
My rig: AMD FX 8320 Overclocked at 4.0 GHz (stable, low temps)
Motherboard GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3
PSU Sirtec - High Power Element BRONZE 600W
Hard disk WD Blue 1TB SATA-III 7200 RPM 64MB
60 Hz Monitor 1920x1080

Hello. I recently installed Battlefield 4 on my machine and I started playing. I experienced some odd performance compared to other people. My fps varies from 55 to 65 reaching a maximum of 70. I believed considering my rig that there is a problem somewhere. So i took a screenshot of in game performance. I am not an expert or anything so I want to know if these numbers are normal. Resolution was 1920x1080 on a 60hz monitor.
Disclaimer: I did NOT overclock my gpu nor unpark any cores on my cpu. Power management is set to prefer high performance. I have the latest NVIDIA drivers. My cpu is slightly overclocked if that matters. Ever since i bought this card i have been having strage performance issues with it so i am not that thrilled with it. http://imgur.com/IbaBZKl
I decided to take a ss of the options i am running as well. This ss was taken in the training area so the fps is quite higher due to that.

I really hope you gentlemen can help me sort this thing out. By the way I really enjoy the content of this site =)
Sounds about right for a GTX980 @1920x1080 on the highest settings.

I don't recall the exact figures for 1080p and a single 980, but I certainly can try that out in an hour or two. I have an i7-4770k though.

Averaging 90+ with two 980s @ 2560x1440 last time I checked.
Wow so many answers in such a short time o.o Thank you all for your input. My CPU usage I think is posted in that screenshot. But if you fine gentlemen believe this is normal then I guess I am just paranoid.. not sure though. Shouldn't the GPU usage be like 99% or something like that ? (sorry if it's a stupid question still learning). I took another ss and the fps seems to have improved but then again there are not many players around me so that might be why. http://imgur.com/mJN0zRd