Pop noise and shut down NOT due to heat


Apr 17, 2015
I started to play GTA V when after about 10 minutes I heard a pop sound from my laptop and it shut down. It rebooted automatically after 2-3 minutes. I know it is not due to overheating, since I checked with coretemp and I know it has been hotter for instance when I play Far Cry 4. Even when I run the game with GeForce Experience optimal settings it keeps on happening.

8Gb Ram
Core i7-4710HQ 2,5GHz (With turboboost up to 3,2GHz I think)
nVidia GeForce GTX860m 4Gb
Running Windows 8

I think it might be a power related issue, but how do I fix it?

PS When I run in the game in safe mode it doesn't happen as far as I can recall.
Yes it's a distinct pop, at first i was sure something popped but there is no burning smell and it has happened 5 or 6 times now. I don't want to keep on playing as I'm sure it can't be a good thing to happen..