Popular games among gamers?


Mar 18, 2014
Hi guys..So here i am asking you what do you think are the games that are people into now? Games that are most played and people enjoy playing? Im really curious about that because i just started a youtube channel trying to show some popular games and try to do somehow MY first impression of them..Would love to get some type of responce to this so i know what are the games gaming comunity like atm.
my youtube channel is: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK_PZoxckXUPpQOrZaHcSvw
feel free to check it out,msg me on twitter,facebook..would love to have a chat with real gamers :)

Also: Battlefield 3, ARMA, Minecraft, WoW, Starcraft, World of Tanks, Batman: Arkham City, Splinter Cell Black List, Civ V, Far Cry 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands 2, Team Fortress 2, COD Ghost Recon.

I'm sure I'm missing some, but all of those games are currently very popular.