Question Port closed after port forwarding

Jul 18, 2021
Hello ,for the past 12 hours i ve been trying to port forward and still unable to open a port ,and i do have a public IP .The device im using is the HG8143A5 one .

I tried opening multiple ports ,with different ports ,while creating inbound rules for each and every one ,disabled my firewall too ,to no avail.

Every time i would do something different ,i would check with multiple port check tools .

At this point im starting to believe the ISP just isnt allowing me to port forward ,but not sure on this one.

I've looked through many threads on this site and others to see ,maybe there s something i didn't do ,and on most its the same thing specified .Check if i have a public ip ,my rules ,firewall ,and such.

I will provide any info regarding this ,that im able to ,thank you.
Your best first test is to use DMZ mode. Your router should have that option, it tends to be easier to configure than port forwarding. Port forwarding rules on some routers are confusing.

Next are you really sure the program is active on the port. If for example you are running a minecraft server the program must actually be active. You can see what ports are being used by programs in the resource monitor network tab.

The only thing left after this is are you really sure you have a public IP. The public IP is the one that is actually assigned to your router. Most routers have a way to display what IP is assigned to the wan port. If this IP is different than the IP you see on whatsmyip then you do not actually have a public IP.
Sadly ,no the routher has Dmz from what i can see ,you can have a look if you d like too View:

I did open just to make sure the resource monitor network(rmn) and had the minecraft server open(because honestly this is why i want to port forward) and no ,it does not appear there ,and i did check ,the port forwarding on the router site is still open and good to go.

Ah ,mistakes were made ,i thought i checked if i had a public ip ,seems like thats the problem ,i do apologize for this.I do recall seeing my ip on the router site not starting with 192.x but guess i was wrong or looked at something else ,either way i found the problem ,thank you.