Port forwarding NetGear WRG614 v7 does not work


Jul 28, 2012
Excuse me for posting when there are so many threads about this issue, but none I looked at solved the problem. The issue is that I forwarded port 8008 (randomly chosen port above 1024) for a java application I wrote and it is not connecting. When I do it locally (using 192.168.x.x), it works, so it's not an issue with the application. Also I tried using HTTP File Server (HFS) with ports forwarded, andthat didn't work either. The problem may be double NAT but I don't know how to fix that.

I have been able to port forward successfully in the past for MineCraft servers, and that worked. But there was a few times where it did not work, and I can't remember what I did to fix it (I think I just waited it out...)

I did get a new modem from my ISP because we got an "upgrade" recently and it required a new modem.

Can someone help me out?

I got it working! For anyone reading, I was able to get through the double NAT by first forwarding the ports in my netgear router, you can access the router page by going to for netgear. I forwarded port 8008 to my ipv4. Then I logged into my modem by going to, and I logged in with username admin, password admin. I went to advanced --> forwarding, and forwarded range 8008-8008, with target IP addresss, which is the router IP address on the modem, which I found by going to basic --> DHCP client devices. I saved that, and hey! Now it is forwarded through both routers and to my computer. FINALLY!

Also sorry for listing my IPs, but they really don't give away anything important...
Ok. Modem was given by UPC and has UPC logos on it. It says on the bottom that it's model TC700.U . As I said in the title, the router is NetGear WRG614 v7 .

Thanks for getting back to me.
I cant find the info on your modem online using your model numbe.
If it has only one ethernet port it is a modem only, if it has more then 1 port it is a router/modem combo.

If it is a router/modem combo, then you should either configure the modem to be in bridge mode (modem only), or configure your router as an access point. If your modem has wireless as well, you could just ditch the old wirleess g netgear router all together as well.
Ok, I checked and it has ~4 ethernet ports, so it's a router and modem combo. So when the family is out I will try set up the modem as a router. Thanks for your help!
I got it working! For anyone reading, I was able to get through the double NAT by first forwarding the ports in my netgear router, you can access the router page by going to for netgear. I forwarded port 8008 to my ipv4. Then I logged into my modem by going to, and I logged in with username admin, password admin. I went to advanced --> forwarding, and forwarded range 8008-8008, with target IP addresss, which is the router IP address on the modem, which I found by going to basic --> DHCP client devices. I saved that, and hey! Now it is forwarded through both routers and to my computer. FINALLY!

Also sorry for listing my IPs, but they really don't give away anything important...