Port forwarding


Feb 3, 2013
Hi folks
Please tell me how I

Find a free port number s
switch on the ports

I wish to port forward to 4 external devices
the only port I can forward at the min is 80

Please help
Many Thanks
You will hae to go into the internal settings of the router and to the section where you set the port forwarding options usualy under the advanced tab. You will see a range of ports that you can use and it will start with 1 and go to the number that your router has. Depending on the brand of router that you have it may or may not show what ports are being used and what ip address is using them.

No joy with that my router does not list available ports
Do you know if available port numbers are subject to your ISP

I cannot work out if there are a certain range of ports that are always free but need switched on,and every one talks about port numbers but not about where they come from
But thanks for your response