Question Port keeps closing for helium hotspot

Jan 4, 2022
Hi everyone.

I have two Helium hotspots. One at home. One at my warehouse. They require port 44158 to be open. Both using Xfinity. Both have reserved ips. Both ports are set as open. One randomly closes. Any idea what I should do? I had the same issue with the hotspot in question with FiOS. I got rid of FiOS because Xfinity was working better for me at my warehouse with the other hotspot. Thought the issue was fixed. Was working great for two days which is way longer than with fios. Now it's closed again.

The only thing that fixes this is when I power cycle the hotspot. But then it eventually closes again so it doesn't even matter. Usually happens after a day or two.
It sounds the device is having some issue and has stopped responding on that port. It being fixed by rebooting the device makes it even more likely it is a device issue rather than your router. Port forwarding is a very simple rule in the router that does not suddenly break. It is not likely the router or even the internet causing this.

Kinda hard to test when it is some magic box with little documentation. I would not be brave enough to let unknown devices use my internet bandwidth no matter how safe they promised. Its not like they have some bond where they put up money so you can collect damages if something happens.

I guess you could get a raspberry pi for a few dollars and set it up on different port and see if that also goes down. My guess is the device is somehow getting hung or crashed so it stops responding to the port. Maybe use a power outlet that lets you power cycle the unit once or more times a day.
Jan 4, 2022
It sounds the device is having some issue and has stopped responding on that port. It being fixed by rebooting the device makes it even more likely it is a device issue rather than your router. Port forwarding is a very simple rule in the router that does not suddenly break. It is not likely the router or even the internet causing this.

Kinda hard to test when it is some magic box with little documentation. I would not be brave enough to let unknown devices use my internet bandwidth no matter how safe they promised. Its not like they have some bond where they put up money so you can collect damages if something happens.

I guess you could get a raspberry pi for a few dollars and set it up on different port and see if that also goes down. My guess is the device is somehow getting hung or crashed so it stops responding to the port. Maybe use a power outlet that lets you power cycle the unit once or more times a day.

Thank you for the response. I appreciate it. I said the same exact thing. So I contacted them and this is what they said

"Sorry for the confusion, but the ports are controlled by the router, not the miner. The miner connects and transmits data through whatever port the router allows."

When I see this happen I end up just unplugging the POE splitter and the that power cycled the hotspot. It's actually possible for a device to make the port closed? I use those port checking sites that looks at your IP and tells you if the port is open or closed. There's about 100 k of these on the network and growing every day. It's hard to even get them anymore. I can't really find a solution because it seems like typically if you port forward your good
Get port checking software that runs on your PC and run it from inside the network to the local ip. I bet it says it is closed and you are going directly without the router port forwarding rules.

I mean the only other option would be the router is defective but since it has happened on multiple routers from different ISP it is much more likely it is the end device that has the issue. I means if it was a pc you would just log in and see if the app was active on the port it says is wants to use.
I mean it is not that uncommon for say a minecraft server to have the game instance crash. The machine is up and but you must restart the game itself so it reopens the port.
When you have some magic box there is not much troubleshooting you can do.
Check your advanced router security settings.
Block wan requests is what I think it was called.
My grandsons modem was doing the same thing with his minecraft server.By default it will randomly block or drop port forwarding or open ports. Even though they were enabled and open in the port forwarding section.