Portable Desktop With Station Package Mod


Sep 25, 2017
Hi Guys, I'm thinking about to build a portable desktop that can also be plugged into a greater system when home, basically something like Nintendo switch. No I'm not making a laptop.

the portable system itself has the main cpu but weak gpu, storage etc. and it could be plugged directly into a station system that has the better gpu, cooling etc, with the portable system as its main cpu.

Is this idea possible in anyway? Do you guys get my idea.
This is not possible with consumer components as described, an external GPU enclosure like a Razer Core could be used but add auxiliary cooling would basically be external bolt on fans, external additional memory is possible at thunderbolt III speeds if you buy the right components,
This is not possible with consumer components as described, an external GPU enclosure like a Razer Core could be used but add auxiliary cooling would basically be external bolt on fans, external additional memory is possible at thunderbolt III speeds if you buy the right components,