Portable Hard Drive Damage?


Sep 28, 2014
The other day I was transferring files from my computer to a portable hard drive. After I initiated the transfer I stood up to walk away from the table since it was going to take several minutes. As I stood up I bumped the desk which obviously shook the computer and portable hard drive (a current gen WD My Passport Ultra.)

What is the likelihood that this damaged the portable hard drive? Is there any way I can use my PPC iMac to scan the drive for damage? I also have a intel based mac mini if that makes a difference in being able to check for damage?

I had a similar thing happen to me. My external drive was in use and got knocked down. I lost everything on it and ended up having to format it to use it again. It works again thankfully with no lasting damage...but don't trust it with anything important just in case.