PortableGamingBox for £650


Apr 6, 2009

I was hoping for some of the great advice i've seen handed out here at Tom's.
When i first found this site i had no idea how little i knew about computers, now i do!

One of the primary concerns for me picking a computer is the amount of travel i do; 3 days here, 4 there, etc, etc. Simple things like a handle really appeal to me. But if the noise from those wee fans pumping air through a tiny space is going to keep the neighbours awake i'll have to think again!

I know it's not the exact format for posting here but i think it covers everything and makes some sense.

Here goes....

Intended use:
Quiet/Portable/Single threaded Gaming/Budget Performance/Lifespan 1-2y/vista64/Linux/OC'ing

Rough Budget:
board £100
CPU £100
case £100
GPU £100
PSU £100
cooling/etc £150

Total: £650

DFI Mobo:£118


S/Stone Case:£111



WD Black 650G, DVD/CD/RW, 4g 800mhz ram, Scythe CPU cooler
£150 (or there abouts)

Total: £691

A bit over budget, could just stretch to that, but not many nights out for a while.
I picked the board as it got ok reviews and can xfire, though i could save £50 here and get a single GPU board.

The CPU as it's quick and 2 cores is fine for the games i want to play now. If and when q9xxx prices come down i'll grab one.

The case cos its cheap(er than some), does what i need (small,has a handle) and Silverstone have had some decent reviews on other cases.

GPU seems fine for my needs. 1280x800 for now. I think i only want the 4870.
PSU, good reviews and its suggested that modular is easier for small cases.

The rest depends on final selections or are trusted reviews, mostly from here :)

Portability and quietness are a big issue for me. Really want to avoid a big case. But might have to for better cooling and noise insulation.
I have a laptop so this is just for games.

Upgrades will be CPU/GPU/Ram/PSU as needed then it'll become an emulator, kids comp, something like that.
First time build too!
I'd love to put an AM3 set-up together but i just don't think i could afford it.

Any thoughts, critiques, advice, funny stories or money saving tips would be most welcome,
especially about board, case and general budget allocation.




Thanks xthekidx. Saved me a bit of money there.
I wasn't sure about all the backward compatibility of Socket3 and 2+. The 720be sure is nice but is there more chips to come for AM2+ or is the 940 it?

I might stick with the 4850 just for playing at friends houses with big as TV's.

Any thoughts on cases?
I hope to order everything Mon night. First build. It's getting exciting!!!

AMD has said that all the AM3 chips that they release this year (including a 3.6ghz quad core I believe, like PII 995 or something like that) will be backwards compatible with the AM2+ socket.
You might check out the Cooler Master MicroATX offerings for cases, they are pretty reasonably priced. That silverstone is very nice, but awfully expensive too.
Sweet.....and then could i make the switch at some point to drr3 with a just a mobo+ram upgrade? Now that would be fully sweet!

I'll do some price hunting for parts but my trigger fingers gettin real twitchy.
Well a couple of interesting developments have appeared, i could get a 4870 for about £100 second hand, i'm thinking of deferring buying the case till i'm sure of one and getting a cheap/ghetto meantime case. £0 for an old grey box a friends mom is chucking out. And i've seen 4g of pc2-8500 at 2.1v 12 timings, i think, from a pawn shop i've used many times for £20 (2xGPU and 4xRAM for other ppl's comps).

All to go with the Gigaboard as suggested and pII 720be. Which frees up a bit of money. Where to put it? I'm thinking either get another WD Black and/or lots of cooling gear to keep it all cold in the wee shoebox i hope to find.