Portal 2 Dated, New Gameplay Demonstration

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Looks amazing. Alas this is Steam time so February 9th, 2011 probably means August 24th, 2011 at the earliest. 🙁 It probably also means that Half-Life 2: Episode Three is at least about two years away still.

least they gave a date. blizzard is worse, i know valve isnt perfect, but they didnt use a vague 'soon' or 'when its done' (im looking at you grrm). i appreciate the fact they gave a DATE.

ill be preordering.
Portal 2 FTW!! This looks more difficult and the graphics appear even better, I can't wait to try figuring out the levels, especially after catching a buzz :)
Actually the bot in Vid 1 sounds like his writing and performing partner in many things Steve Merchant not Ricky. In fact that's exactly who it is.
Damn that game looks good. (And did you see the repulsion gell effects in the second vid!? The modding community around Gmod has been trying to do that forever!)
Is that annoying British commentary running throughout the game? I got fed up with it in 7 seconds. The least they could have done is to use a female voice. I hope they remove that crap before the game comes out.
Portal reminds me of a modern remake of an old puzzle game called Chip's Challenge. But kick ass. God that was a fun game. Can't wait for Portal 2.


Yes but usually for all the wrong reasons. I can see it now. Kids with modified Alex skins, facial effects for a nice touch, and gel effects of a different color that I can not name here. OH GOD!..... I think you get the picture.
[citation][nom]megahustler[/nom]"We both said a lot of things you're going to regret."Should be a Hallmark card...[/citation]
I was lol'ing so hard when i watched that part.
Video looks amazing, can't wait for the game.
I'm pretty excited about this too. I didn't even know what portal was before valve gave it away for free. Genius idea, Valve. You found a new customer.
I'm pretty excited about this too. I didn't even know what portal was before valve gave it away for free. Genius idea, Valve. You found a new customer.
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