Possible Bottleneck but not sure.


Apr 24, 2013
So ive come to the conclusion that something on my system is bottlenecking me, not 100 percent but I think it has something to do with my ram, for example in performance test it clames I only have 4 gigs installed yet in cpuz it reads both 4 gig sticks, but when I go to resource monitor in windows and add them all up its only about 6 gigs worth total, also my hardware reserved is HUGE its 2051 mb

Heres some specs.

Motherboard: Ga-990fxa-ud3
cpu: fx8320 - @4500, with a corsair h100
gpu: xfx 7970 ghz
ram : dual channel 2x4gb Crucial 9-9-9-24
psu: xclio stable power 80 gold plus
os: windows 7 home premium

My ram was the next thing in line for me to replace any way because it was fairly cheap but is it possible its defective, Ive had this machine running since november.
no it doesnt , if I have no gpu in a slot I have no signal, lol I was impatient when I first built the system my gpu was the last part for delivery and I tried to boot it up without it. I may try to update my bios, but I think its already up to date.