Possible case fan set-up with rear fan as an intake


Jan 15, 2018
So I can put:
2 fans in front
1 at the top
1 at rear
on my pc case.

I bought a ram with a really high rgb heatsink. I can't put the 2 of them since my cooler master hyper 212X cpu cooler is on the way. If I transfer the fan of my cpu cooler on the other side, I can put the 2 sticks of ram BUT the cpu cooler fan is now facing the rear one, meaning, I have to make the rear fan as an intake.

Is there any possible way to set-up a great pc airflow with the rear fan as an intake?

I have tecware f3 as my pc case btw
You could, but remember hot air rises, cold air sinks. So you generally want all the upper fans acting as exhaust. Looking at images of the cooler, are those taps holding the clip to the fan plastic rivets? Or are they just clips you could use a pair of pliers to pop out. If you could pop them out, you could move the clip on the fan, to the front then run the fan in a pull configuration on the backside of the heatsink, as opposed to the push setup it's in now while retaining the original air flow of the case. May see reduced cooling on the CPU though. Not sure how badly it'd affect it. At the end of the day, however, you're gonna have to settle for one way or the other. May be worth getting a different CPU heatsink in the future.
Just put the Hyper 212 fan on the opposite side of the heatsink, but with the airflow direction still toward the rear of the case (we call this "pull")

The "clip" that attaches the fan to the heatsink just pegs into the fan. You can pull the two elements apart

My current set-up:
rear - exhaust
top - intake
front (2) - intake

I did plan on transferring the fan on the the other side, but it will be facing the rear fan which is an exhaust, will this work?

I'm so confused though, if I transfer the cpu cooler's fan, will it still be an intake? or this becomes exhaust? if it becomes exhaust, then how will it cool my cpu?

I kinda don't understand the pull thing, can you maybe explain it in simple terms mate?
Fan is currently pushing air through the heatsink (push configuration). Fan on backside of heatsink with clipped reversed so front of fan is against the heatsink pulls air though the heatsink (pull configuration).

Pushing air through heatsink (Push)
Pulling air through heatsink (Pull)

The clip on the fan that attaches the fan to the heatsink should be removable so you can put it on the opposite side of the fan. That way you can clip the fan to back of the heatsink with the fan pulling air through the heatsink and retain the original airflow of the case.

rear - exhaust
top - intake
front (2) - intake

Please look at this picture mate:

So this will be my set-up after transferring the cpu cooler fan to the other side. Do I need to change anything else? is the top okay as an intake?


I guess intake would be good for the top, since this config will be pulling air through the heatsink, If I have the top as an intake, then there's more air to pull?
Do I make sense?

Do you have any estimation on how great this will affect my cpu temp?
As said before, hot air rises.

Two front fans as intake as air here is coldest.

Using top fan as intake is a terrible idea it'll be sucking in hot air from the back.

Forget about using top exhaust as intake as that'll create less pressure and air direction. You need two intakes at front. Rear and top exhaust.

I understood overall mate, but except the cpu cooler thing, how bout this:

If I transfer the cpu cooler on the other side, what do you expect of it? will it be an exhaust? or an intake? In that way I could understand what you mean.

From your diagram, I could see that you expect it to be an exhaust then? am I right?

He can't. He wants the fan on the backside of the heatsink due to the height of the RAM.

If you don't move the clip on the fan to the front of the fan, you'll end up with the second picture.


Can't the fan be raised like Noctua? I don't have experience with the 212 but if it has the same wire clips, raising it a few heatsink fins would have it clear the same level as the heatsink or higher if the clips taper in?

Ahh.. this is what you mean yes? transferring the whole clip to the front? NOT just simply pulling the clip and simply transfer to the other side of heatsink. That's what you meant?


Mate, I've already done the set-up, please see this picture:

is that what you mean as a GOOD AIRFLOW?

The side where there's some kind of star lines is where the air blows out right?

(I transferred the clips in front of the fan)

Yup, I have also made the top fan an exhaust fan, the "star lines" is facing the top.

Thank you so much for the help mate. And thanks to everyone else in this thread.