Possible GPU upgrade for FX 8320


Sep 17, 2015
Before starting, here are my current specs:

AMD FX 8320 @ Stock 3.5GHz
Crucial Ballistix 8GB RAM DDR3 1600MHz - Dual Channel mode
GTX 750 Ti WindForce Black Edition
Antec Earth Watts 650W 80+ Platinum Power Supply

So I'm honestly considering upgrading my RAM to 16GB as well as buying a new GPU. I honestly can't really decide between these 3 graphics cards: GTX 1060 6GB, RX 580 8GB, GTX 1050 Ti. Here are some of the games I'm currently playing:

Battlefield 1
Rainbow Six Siege
Battlefield 4
The Division
Day of Infamy
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2
Star Wars Battlefront (2015)

How are those games gonna run on those cards? Are ultra settings possible on those cards in some of these games? And as much as I hate using this word, how much of a "bottleneck" am I gonna expect with those cards? The game I'm honestly really worried about is Battlefield 1. Battlefield 1 crushes pretty much every CPU and CPU usage in that game is very high from what I've seen in a couple of videos. In my case, CPU usage on my system while playing the game is anywhere between 45%-80%, while GPU usage is 99% all the time, no matter the settings. I'm playing Battlefield 1 at low settings and I'm achieving a constant and stable 60 FPS all the time, well, except when there is a huge explosion and when there's a lot of smoke.

I'm also looking forward to games such as Battalion 1944, Post Scriptum and Hell Let Loose, so I'm wondering how those games are gonna run.

I'm looking to play the listed games @1080p 60Hz.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration for reading this post and posting a suggestion.