Possible Issues when upgrading Motherboard, CPU, and Memory


Jul 22, 2015
I am about to upgrade my PC via a motherboard, cpu, and memory replacement. I have an HP p6203w which I have already upgraded the video card and power supply on. I was just concerned with what road blocks I might be met with when replacing these other components.. ie windows, game downloads, etc... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Since the new world of warships patch, I am completely losing my fps so thought this was the next needed step.
You will probably need to buy a new copy of the OS. The HP version is tied to the HP motherboard. You will want to do a clean OS install. That means reinstalling all your applications. Backup your data but assume you are starting with a new OS install.
You will probably need to buy a new copy of the OS. The HP version is tied to the HP motherboard. You will want to do a clean OS install. That means reinstalling all your applications. Backup your data but assume you are starting with a new OS install.
ive read that some motherboards are not standard sizes so you may run into an issue with trying to hook up a new mobo in your case. I know my dell case/mobo has a weird plug from front USB ports to the mobo. also I think theres an issue with the screw placement of the mobo

This would not mean purchasing again, correct? Would just re-install from the microsoft website with my key?

I was wondering about a new case as well. How do I know what will work best with the hardware I will be putting into it?

I don't know :/ when I was looking for a new case and stuff for my dell I just relied on what other people were saying they did.

as for the key, you may have to buy a new copy completely but call HP . I tried to download a windows install file using my Lenovo key and it said I need to contact Lenovo for it