possible motherboard cpu socket damage.


Dec 4, 2015
hey guys just wanted to check something, whilst assembling my x99 mobo and 5820 the other week, I recall that the cpu levers to lock the socket in place required a LOT OF force, I was careful, checked everything multiple times and I've changed cpus plenty if time in the past.

this did seem excessive, but many people I have spoken to with x99 boards did say they can require a fair bit of pressure, so after checking the instructions and myself again I went ahead, and it did clip down etc all ok.

now I did notice it looked like some (say a quarter) of the pins on the cpu socket looked slightly bent, like when looking at them, they seemed to pointing in a direction. thinking I may have somehow bent them.

now the pc actually runs fine, although I've got an odd software issue with loading games (flickering on initial load and minimizing) it all performs well.

now is it possible my mobo is actually damaged? and I just can't see the effects? or is there a test I can run to make sure to cpu is performing as expected?